Your brand is the first thing people see of your organisation. The first thing people make subconscious judgements on. Does it communicate what you want it to?
Branding can be defined as all the visual components that communicate your company’s core values. In other words, the logo, colours, symbols, illustration style, typography, space and pattern that build up a recognisable identity. These are the things that people see and hear, and they play an important role in how you are perceived.
Think it’s branding that you need?
You need to stand out from your competitors in a crowded market place.
You’re in need of a rebrand to update and revitalise your identity.
Your audience has changed or your business goals have shifted and you need a new brand to suit.
How we can help
We help you to define a clear sense of purpose for your branding. And once this is in place will build a bespoke visual identity that expresses exactly who you are. We create design assets that you’ll feel proud to use. And then provide you with the practical guidelines you need so that you can continue to build a strong and consistent brand going forward.

Branding Process
Whilst our approach to every project is different, our process will usually follow a similar format. Before any design work happens it is vital that we understand the who, what and why. Who you want to speak to? What do you want to communicate to them? And why what you have to say is important. Working out the answers to these questions can often take some time which is why a more in-depth Brand Strategy process is sometimes required. It’s only once we have a really clear sense of purpose that we can begin to think about the visuals.
After all the discussion and decision making, mood boards are a great way to start thinking more visually. We compile a selection of existing designs that we think could influence and inspire the visual direction for you own brand. We are interested to see which elements you like. And perhaps more importantly, which you do not.
Why do we use mood boards? -
Initial ideas
There are a number of ways to visualise a brand. We explore different design directions. These usually involve a logo, and an idea of how the brand could be built upon – perhaps a pattern, a selection of colours or an illustration style.
Exploring multiple brand directions -
Clients tend to have a clear favourite, or like elements from a number of the initial ideas. We work with you to decide upon one concept that we can then take forward and develop. During this stage we work closely with you to ensure we develop a brand that clearly communicates your message and works well for your target audience.
How do we develop initial design ideas? -
Final brand files
Once you are happy with your brand, we save out the logo files, and brand elements in all the formats you’ll readily need. We provide you with a set of brand guidelines so that you can continue to use all your design assets in a consistent way.
Final files & brand guidelines
Why a dozen eggs?
Brand is at the heart of what we do. We design for corporate companies, small startups, family businesses, events, products, and much more. At a dozen eggs, we enjoy the variety. We create effective identities that visually reflect the chosen values. If you were to take a look through our portfolio, you’ll notice the diversity of visual approaches. We don’t chase after a house style, but look to develop brands that work for the companies that own them. Not to mention resonating with the users who engage with them.
Highly recommend a dozen eggs. The first company we found that genuinely cares about your brand as much as you do. They take time to listen and develop several ideas so you’re confident the final concept. The design is exactly what you had in mind. Their efficiency, response times and dedication to deadlines also makes them a joy to work with.
Keris Marsden, Fitter Food