memo is a digital telecare platform for the elderly or those needing care. It monitors all the important activities throughout the day using a hub and a variety of different sensors.
The platform has been designed for families and local authorities to check in on family members. It monitors what is normal, without compromising on privacy, and learns the users habits so that caregivers can alerted if something out of the ordinary happens. For example, if walking through the front door at 3am would be considered abnormal, an alert would be triggered.
Dependent on the number of sensors purchased, memo can monitor as much as feels right. The system has been designed to be added to over time, as and when circumstances change.

Memo website design & development
The parent company, Alcuris approached a dozen eggs to design and develop a website that could showcase their hub to both end users and their families and also local authorities.
We set out to communicate three things; to educate the users around telecare systems, to encourage confidence in the memo system and to soften the technology in the eyes of the user.

Demonstrating care
From the beginning of the project it felt important to speak about the ethos of the company. Alex, the founder, started memo due to experiencing first hand the effects of dementia within his family. The founding principles are that of care and ensuring people can remain independent for as long as possible. However, like most technology the hub itself felt cold and lacked a personal touch. The memo brand was already firmly established, so we set about to produce a design that felt relatable and included as many real world scenarios as possible. We used full bleed lifestyle images to describe the key benefits – reassurance, insight and independence. Together with the personal touch of the photographs – showing memo in situ – we wanted to bring it back to real users and friendly faces throughout the site.

Encouraging confidence
The memo team is made up for a group of highly skilled engineers who have developed the hub and its sensors over a number of years. It was important to use to communicate how sturdy and effective the system is, as a piece of technology. High quality 3D renders (designed by Alcuris in-house) of the hub and sensors establishes the level of quality, and will hopefully go some way to promote confidence of memo’s professional approach.

Educating users
a dozen eggs designed a site with a focus on movement to communicate the messages. Simple animation educates users on how memo works and embeds the benefits of memo in real life situations. Often other telecare providers utilise a wearable sensor, rather than installing sensors around the home. As memo communicates with home sensors, a dozen eggs were tasked with demonstrating the the different approach taken as well as showcasing the ease of use. a dozen eggs developed a simple illustration style that was on brand and communicated clearly.
Buying a memo starter package
We also built in e-commerce within the memo website, so whether you are looking for a starter package, an additional sensor or are a local authority looking to order in bulk, Alcuris (memo’s parent company) have looked to make it as easy as possible.