Building bridges & Know More
Barnardo’s have launched the National Counter Trafficking Service out of the growing need to support, educate and advise those involved in tackling this important issue. The service has 2 main strands to its vision; protecting children through direct work, and supporting professionals through specialist training and a 24/7 support line. To carry out the vision another two brands have been created; Building bridges and Know More.
Brand Strategy
An important part of the sub brand process was to clarify the different audiences involved. a dozen eggs undertook a workshop to identify the audiences involved. Once the audiences were identified, the visual differences between the brands could be established alongside the consistencies.
Building bridges – Direct work with trafficked children
Building bridges aims to support children and young people who have experienced trafficking and to care for their resulting needs. A team of experienced direct care workers can often spot concerning trends, and warning signals based on situation, culture and timings.
Know More – Training around anti-trafficking
Know More is a training service for professionals who support and care for those children, with the Know More team providing training and education to develop their skills. As part of the training wing, the National Counter Trafficking service teamed up with the West Midlands police and crime commissioner to develop cards that identified areas of concern – ways to spot if a child has been trafficked.
Each brand demanded a different tone of voice to suit its audience, while still feeling like a part of a cohesive service.
National Counter Trafficking service within Barnardo’s
The National Counter Trafficking service as an overarching brand formed part of the governments Independent child trafficking advocates scheme – providing direct support to trafficked children. Helping those children navigate the government health, social, education and justice systems – a daunting task for anyone, let alone a trafficked children.
We have since extended the brand for National Counter Trafficking after a period of significant growth, which we have highlighted within the portfolio.

We have enjoyed the task of building a family of brands that can work well together, and we are looking forward to establishing the brands through further design work.