By Fran Johnson
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Rebranding on a budget

A logo that works, and looks great is a very satisfying thing. It can increase pride, or decrease embarrassment. It can encourage forward thinking and it can increase sales. However, for many companies – a full rebrand isn’t appropriate. Their logo is ‘good enough’. And whilst it’s not perfect, the couple of thousands needed for a rebrand may not be at the top of the budget. So, how do you increase interaction and drive more sales on a shoestring? Often, you can sharpen your message by improving your design work alone. You may not need to go through an expensive rebrand process, but instead rebrand on a budget and concentrate on improving your marketing material.

Does your marketing material work hard enough for you?

Logo design can start to look dated, or tired. Perhaps it looks too corporate or too juvenile? Too sensible or too fun? However, your brand is more than your logo. You can make plenty of changes to your marketing materials that will strengthen your brand, without touching the logo.

Start looking at the key pieces of design work that your customers will engage with – does it fit with the image you want to convey? Changing your design work can lift the entire feel of your company.

Design is the silent ambassador of your brand

Paul Rand

Rebranding on a budget design work marketing materials
design work rebrand a dozen eggs

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You need to be strategic!

At a dozen eggs, we’ve undertaken a number of projects where clients have wanted a rebrand, but their budget doesn’t stretch, or the timing it’s quite right. We’ve designed brochures, leaflets, exhibition stands and slide decks that have grown their current brand and given it a refresh. However, the one thing I advise our clients on is the need for brand strategy to underpin the new direction. We don’t want to add yet another piece of design work that doesn’t match anything else into the mix! A brand needs to be consistent, and having an understanding of where your brand is heading is key.

One of the easiest ways to steer design work is to work out your brand value words. I’ve written a separate blog post around how to do this, using our free tool, Brand Words, which you may find useful.

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Brand strategy often looks at a number of different spectrums. In this post we look into whether brands are audience led or founder led, with particular consideration into personalities, the market and trust.

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Choosing your value words

How do you select your value words? Words that should represent you as a company and guide your decision making.

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