Book jacket for Growing younger written by Gordon Raggett
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Growing Younger

What Children Know and Adults Need to Relearn

Playing a guitar on the Growing Younger book

Growing Younger is a book that revisits the time in our lives where we were innocent and naïve – asking the big questions, dreaming without boundaries and believing in ourselves. Gordon Raggett wrote Growing Younger out of a love of seeing people walk in freedom and relearn lessons from childhood.

a dozen eggs created a cover design for Gordon’s book that celebrates youth! An illustrative style that remains playful and carefree with a distinctive colour palette.

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Growing Younger explores the ten secret traits and choices that create a life full of wonder, connection and joy. It’s full of lots of practical tips, insightful stories and wisdom. Gordon has been working with children for the past 40 years as founder of CRiBS Charity and brings his insights into his life consulting business.

Growing younger illustration style